Friday, May 7, 2010

retreat and recharge

we all get sick sometimes. it can be too annoying, you have plans, you are looking forward to things and then bam! your body 'fails you'

or does it?

here I am at a GORGEOUS retreat at The Good Common in Plymouth Vermont - birth place of the 30th president of the U.S. Calvin Coolidge. in my fevered delirium I think to myself 'I wonder if he is related to Rita Coolidge'

see, just before I rode up on the 'Good Bus' I felt a little under the weather. what's a girl to do? NOT GO?

I never get sick so I figured ' I have my Young Living Oils Thieves oil and ginger oil, I even brought my Source Naturals Wellness Formula - that makes me nearly gag when I take it... I'll be fine!'

about halfway through our 7 hour bus ride the chills came on hard. we stopped at a rest stop where the only place open was McDonald's so I got the only thing that a holistic health coach can get from McDonald's, hot water, not just hot water, blistering hot sue that damn McDonald's hot water and put the drops in but still chills.

so here I am surrounded by lovely nature and wonderful people and all I have seen is my bed.

and that's ok.

if I were home i'd be watching showtime on demand , back episodes of La La land. but here I am not escaping , not numbing out just sitting with myself and my thoughts.

when I get sick I turn in to an 80 year old grandmother shivering , breathing heavy and saying under my breath but clear and audibly ' oh my god,oh my god' there I was muttering when Stefani Zeiv, America's Life Coach and Erika Shannon the fitness expert on the retreat stood by taking me in. Erika said - with a deadpan expression "at least your not a drama queen" and that was it , we all laughed our asses off. I think I turned a corner at that moment. yes I still feel like a crap sandwich but I am on the mend.
now the others are coming back from their 4 hour hike (the thing that I was looking forward to the most) all glowing and refreshed , after all it is a 'recharge retreat' I suppose this is my way of recharging.

getting some work done and sleeping a lot, 5 hours already today.

I am looking forward to coming back here when I can really enjoy.

for now I will complain and mutter to myself. or maybe not ... Tim Becker the re-connective healer on the trip has cautioned me to 'use my words to create wellness'

so, here goes... 'my body now restores itself to its natural state of perfect health'
and so it shall be.

much love,
please leave comments , I am bored up here!
-Donna Sonkin


ckdozi said...

I happen to know Plymouth, had a ski lodge down the road from the little village years ago. Just being there is enough. I've been sick like that on a few trips, not fun.. hope you feel comfortable and gain your energy soon. Seems your are in good hands. ck

Donna said...

aw, thanks for the good energy. it really is SO beautiful here and yes, I am in good hands. your comment was like a little hug for me!
I thank you.


You are sooo friggin funny!! I love you! Sending you lots of healing energy my sweet beautiful friend! xoxox

Donna said...

love you Karen!

Shannon Tate-Giordano said...

Hope you feel better! sounds like a pretty serene space to be sick in and may perhaps speed your recovery. I came down with what sounds like the same thing a few weeks ago....I too never get sick....when the chills came on I thought I'd take a nap and I'd be better. No such luck. BUT...I believe that us healers and helpers who never get ill....DO get ill when we're are doing too much, too fast and have forgotten to take a moment to ourselves. Rest, get well and then get back to saving the world! Much love to you!

Donna said...

you are so right! it was actually an amazing opportunity , I ended up getting very sick , fever and huge white splotches on the back of my throat-last night I did every home remedy I could think of - salt water gargle, whiskey, 4 cloves of garlic in stock... b/c I was on a healing retreat - I was lucky enough to have two healers do sessions with me ... my fever broke at around 330 AM ...

I ended up going to the dr. for the first time in 5 years.

in the end he was not sure if it was or was not strep and I did not want to spend the $80 and wait two days for the test so , he said to just keep doing what I was doing , i also took some advil and tylonal (had not had either in 2 years) within an hour the swelling in my throat went down 50% I slept another 4 hours and now feel much better - yes , I am still sick but SO much better.

the body is an AMAZING thing - it is so fantastic how it bounces back to health. thanks for your post.