Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Spring cleaning day 2

Hello healthy people !

well yesterday went well... did not have any chocolate , black tea or black licorice, instead I opted for some organic apple sauce which did the trick.

I took a 30 minute run in the park - which was beautiful, then did some stretching , crunches and push ups... the weather made it easy as did the fun music in my ipod.

I did not watch T.V. while eating even once - which was a challenge- I just stared at my cat and he looked away occasionally looking at me as if to say " what the hell are you looking at? "

I finished most of the food that I made accept the brown rice, I have a sweet potato in the oven as I write this and am about to steam carrots and make Dikon radish salad for nori rolls, some more kale and of course that YUMMY lemon -ginger tahini dressing.

my cleansing activity yesterday was to go over some old paperwork, today I will do laundry and donate old and unused items to the housing works thrift shop.

I went to whole foods last night after a delicious dinner last night at Souen ( nori roll, maze rice with nori, grilled black bass and some kale, steamed carrots , dikon radish and squash) to pick up some more apple sauce (glass jar) kale, carrots, sweet potato and dikon.

going to hit the park again today, maybe a yoga class ...

many hugs!


Jennifer Leigh said...

Hi Donna (and all)!

Well yesterday (Day 1) I woke up and was a mad chef, cooking crazy in my 2X2 apartment. The day went well.

Last night I cooked (and can I get a drumroll?...)Nori Rolls, Kale with Tahini sauce and the sweet potatoes! I was very proud of me.

I did chew my dinner very slowly and found that I was much fuller faster. It is a little challenging to be completely mindful when I am eating the other meals of the day, because I am here at work.

Today for breakfast I had rolled oats (plain) with chopped up fresh pear and hot water. The remainder of today's menu (for the whole rest of the day)consists of some leftovers from yesterday, plus some kimchi, and then a raw salad (broccoli, kale, spinich, sprouts, 1/4 of an advocado with a few organic almonds and dried cranberries with little bit Flax oil and lemon).

I did awake today with a crazy headache, could be caffiene withdraw (?) or maybe just cause I am getting my period- but it passed, I am just drinking lots and lots of water with orgnaic lemon.

I am going to focus more on the spring cleaning of the inner me and do something mindful this evening (maybe journal, clean out my closet or do a yoga class)

Hope everyone is well!

Donna said...

you are AWESOME!!! good for you - great job with all of the cooking - very inspiring indeed.

the only thing that I would change would be the raw broccoli, that is so tough on the system... always blanch it just a bit to make it easier.

were your cranberries fruit juice sweetened? just check - some dried crannberries have so much sugar -

LOVED your eating slowly - very imprtant.

please keep me posted as to your news and keep up the great work!