Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring Cleaning !

hello all ! just had a fun spring cleaning class last night - many wonderful people all interested in, umn... "getting clean". the reality is that we all take in so much crap even if we are doing our best to be healthy -

in last nights class we discussed easy techniques to have an easy cleanse. we cooked many delicious cleansing foods that are sure to "detox" the body , we all committed to cutting out the biggest toxic offenders , those include sugar, chemicals, dairy, wheat, iodized salt, any processed foods, eggs, corn, alcohol, coffee, soda pop, and fake sugars.

for one week we will all do our best to love ourselves and give to our bodies only the foods that we wish to actually become a part of our bodies.

last nights dinner menu was simple and yummy ( all organic) :

nori rolls with avocado, alfalfa sprouts, red cabbage and carrots.

steamed kale with lemon- ginger tahini sauce

wild salmon salad with capers

roasted red garnet potatoes

and the yummiest black cherry/ blueberry sorbet with a raw honey ripple!

here is my personal progress report:

I just finished breakfast (after morning water) leftovers - brown rice with greens, carrots, cabbage, that yummy tahini dressing and some salmon salad with sprouts -
I admit to having a tough time NOT turning on the TV , I opted for classical radio and listened to Frank Bruni , the NY times food writer ramble on about some nonsense- I forgot to smell my food! but I did remember to CHEW - which was actually fun because the brown rice really lends itself to the "chew"
I ate PAST a 5 (tough - the food was delicious ...)

so, lunch I am thinking will be leftover sushi rolls , some more of the leftover steamed veg and some sweet potato , maybe some salmon.
I will find it hard today not to have a medallion of Dolphin chocolate or some organic black licorice ( I realize that I do this nearly every day) my black tea habit will not happen today or going forward and I LOVE black tea.
also, after much thought I have altered my Cinco De Mayo plans and will go to Souen for dinner (13th st. off University place) and forgo a crazy margarita Mexican fiesta with my boyfriend luckily he loves kale...

I send hugs,

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