Monday, December 6, 2010

Healthy Happy Holiday

  1. 1. Get to bed a t a reasonable hour when possible- I know it can be a challenge when there are parties and friends in from out of town, but the closer you are to being in harmony with nature… the healthier you will be. Sleep will also keep your immune system nice and strong. Trouble falling asleep try my favorite - Young Living Lavender oil (click here & place order, sign in as "customer" - you will need to give shipping address before you order)

  2. 2. Eat before you go- not a huge meal but just enough to “take the edge off” so when you get to the party you are not grabbing for whatever is placed before you. Think protein / fat/ vegetables here. So some chicken soup with kale (recipe below) will do the trick.

  3. 3. Drink one glass of water for each cocktail- it’s a fact that libations dehydrate you, so be smart about your alcohol intake. Avoid sugary drinks – best to opt for wine, beer or clear spirits with seltzer water and lime. I like Crop organic cucumber vodka it is crisp and refreshing best of all no chemicals!

  1. 4. Look for non-food forms of nourishment – it’s the time of year to really look after yourself add in a new fun work out – I like what the girls at Physique 57 are doing they keep it fun. You could add on an extra 5-minute massage to your mani-pedi. Or have a Skype visit with a loved one who is far away.
  2. 5. Take my new holiday class!!!

  3. Click here for class invite...

This holiday season I have partnered up with a brilliant clairvoyant teacher – Tori Quisling … she had brought many clients much peace and has helped me to see things in a different light. Together we will help you not only get through the holidays but end up slimmer, healthier and happier come February!

December 15 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm

LocationUpper East Side studio 70's- (exact address given at registration)

Created By

More InfoStay Healthy & Happy Through the Holidays
With Clairvoyant Practitioner Tori Quisling
& Holistic Health Coach/ Chef Donna Sonkin

You will learn:
• How to stay relaxed & find joy in any situation
• How to create harmony during family time
• How to stay slim during holiday time
• How to boost your immune system & keep healthy
• How to stay energized through holiday madness

In this groundbreaking 2 hour- interactive workshop you will learn this & more!

Join us:
DATE: Wednesday, December 15
TIME: 6:30pm- 8:30pm
PLACE: Upper East Side studio (70’) address will be given at point of registration
FEE: $35 in advance (credit card) call Tori at 516-423-1794

SPACE IS LIMITED pre-registration and payment required.

To learn more about Tori go to
To learn more about Donna go to

before you party soup

2 cups organic chicken stock

1/2 bunch organic kale chopped fine

1 link Apple-gate farms or Belinski's organic free-range chicken or turkey sausage cut into discs

1 teaspoon grass-fed butter

bring all ingredients up to a boil then down to a simmer for about 5 minutes.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

sweet class

Sweet Class!
these are pictures from my favorite workshop- the sugar workshop
June 9,2010.

looking to learn even more about how to get HEALTHY THIN?

SCROLL DOWN to learn about my new six week class...

Get Healthy Get Happy in just six weeks!

Donna Sonkin's Get Happy Get Healthy six-week class

Six Wednesday evenings…,7.7,7.14,7.21, 7.28, 8.4, 8.11

From 6:30-8:30pm

Space-upper east side studio

Tuition $495

(sign up by June 22nd for $350... you save $145!!!)

Space limited call NOW! 917-941-5045


CLICK here to read testimonials...

course study:

Week one--

  • water

  • sleep

  • greens

  • organic food

  • goal setting

  • cooking demonstration Asian -style Lacentato Kale

Week Two--

  • intro to meditation

  • guided meditation

  • understanding the mind related to emotional eating and body image

  • cooking demonstration Salmon Salad

Week Three--

  • Food diary, why keep one?

  • How to eat in restaurants and at parties , bring yoru favorite take out menu

  • understanding grains

  • cooking demonstration Greek Quinoa Salad

Week Four--

  • understanding dairy

  • understanding soy

  • bone health

  • cooking demonstration free range traditional stock and organic chicken salad

Week Five--

  • what is toxicity and how can I avoid it?

  • Sea food , seaweed

  • natural care products

  • cooking demonstration – Sardines and seaweed

Week Six

  • health food store tour

  • pot luck picnic

  • recap goals

Saturday, June 12, 2010


this is a great article written by best selling author Karen Salmansohn (The Prince Harming Syndrome) in it she talks about the recently banned Lane Bryant lingerie adds and the perception of size by the media - in it I am quoted...

click here to read article and find out why diets DON'T work and how to really GET HEALTHY THIN!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

***FREE sugar workshop!

***FREE sugar workshop!

Shetler studio -
244 West 54th street (between Broadway and 8th avenue)
12th floor , Shelter #1

Wednesday June 9th , 6:30-8:30 pm (check in begins at 6:15 sharp)

Donna Sonkin is a holistic health coach (Columbia / Institute for Integrative
Nutrition) accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as well as a natural food chef. Her "Get Thin for the Camera" program helps
actors, models and authors, as well as busy Moms, students and regular folk, get
healthy thin in an enjoyable way. Sonkin teaches her clients how to cook and eat
healthfully and how to make great food and exercise choices. She is a strong
believer in the concept of listening to your own body's special needs in order
to live a happy, healthy life.

(to attend click link 'register now' below)

*Do you want gorgeous glowing skin?

*Would you love to have vibrant energy that lights up any room?

*Do you find yourself reaching for SUGAR during the day for quick "energy"?

*Do your friends call you "moody"?

*Do you crave SUGAR at night?

*Want to discover how diet sodas and artificial sweeteners make you fat, tired,
and haggard?

In this fun interactive workshop you'll learn: The good, the bad and the ugly
... everything you wanted to know about sugar but were afraid to ask.

Sugar is the biggest contributor to inflammation... inflammation leads to ALL
diseases of age. If you want to live a long, vibrant healthy life you MUST sort
out your relationship with sugar!

Register Now!

Testimonials about this workshop and working with Donna:

I haven't drank red bull since!! And let me tell you- that wasn't easy!
-Roslyn Renda

Donna's workshop opened my eyes to the fact that sugar is an EXTREME substance, and needs to be treated with purpose and respect (including perhaps abstaining from it) like any other DRUG! By recognizing this I am able to 'reset' my palate, and be satisfied with the natural sweetness of whole foods, and not miss sugar at all.
-Karen Kohlhaas

Donna, Thank you so much for giving that amazing talk. It was both frightening, angering, inspiring and informative.
-Michaela Cullen

I am SO looking forward to seeing you at my signature SUGAR WORKSHOP!


Donna Sonkin
Get Thin for the Camera

Friday, May 7, 2010

retreat and recharge

we all get sick sometimes. it can be too annoying, you have plans, you are looking forward to things and then bam! your body 'fails you'

or does it?

here I am at a GORGEOUS retreat at The Good Common in Plymouth Vermont - birth place of the 30th president of the U.S. Calvin Coolidge. in my fevered delirium I think to myself 'I wonder if he is related to Rita Coolidge'

see, just before I rode up on the 'Good Bus' I felt a little under the weather. what's a girl to do? NOT GO?

I never get sick so I figured ' I have my Young Living Oils Thieves oil and ginger oil, I even brought my Source Naturals Wellness Formula - that makes me nearly gag when I take it... I'll be fine!'

about halfway through our 7 hour bus ride the chills came on hard. we stopped at a rest stop where the only place open was McDonald's so I got the only thing that a holistic health coach can get from McDonald's, hot water, not just hot water, blistering hot sue that damn McDonald's hot water and put the drops in but still chills.

so here I am surrounded by lovely nature and wonderful people and all I have seen is my bed.

and that's ok.

if I were home i'd be watching showtime on demand , back episodes of La La land. but here I am not escaping , not numbing out just sitting with myself and my thoughts.

when I get sick I turn in to an 80 year old grandmother shivering , breathing heavy and saying under my breath but clear and audibly ' oh my god,oh my god' there I was muttering when Stefani Zeiv, America's Life Coach and Erika Shannon the fitness expert on the retreat stood by taking me in. Erika said - with a deadpan expression "at least your not a drama queen" and that was it , we all laughed our asses off. I think I turned a corner at that moment. yes I still feel like a crap sandwich but I am on the mend.
now the others are coming back from their 4 hour hike (the thing that I was looking forward to the most) all glowing and refreshed , after all it is a 'recharge retreat' I suppose this is my way of recharging.

getting some work done and sleeping a lot, 5 hours already today.

I am looking forward to coming back here when I can really enjoy.

for now I will complain and mutter to myself. or maybe not ... Tim Becker the re-connective healer on the trip has cautioned me to 'use my words to create wellness'

so, here goes... 'my body now restores itself to its natural state of perfect health'
and so it shall be.

much love,
please leave comments , I am bored up here!
-Donna Sonkin