Sunday, May 16, 2010

***FREE sugar workshop!

***FREE sugar workshop!

Shetler studio -
244 West 54th street (between Broadway and 8th avenue)
12th floor , Shelter #1

Wednesday June 9th , 6:30-8:30 pm (check in begins at 6:15 sharp)

Donna Sonkin is a holistic health coach (Columbia / Institute for Integrative
Nutrition) accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as well as a natural food chef. Her "Get Thin for the Camera" program helps
actors, models and authors, as well as busy Moms, students and regular folk, get
healthy thin in an enjoyable way. Sonkin teaches her clients how to cook and eat
healthfully and how to make great food and exercise choices. She is a strong
believer in the concept of listening to your own body's special needs in order
to live a happy, healthy life.

(to attend click link 'register now' below)

*Do you want gorgeous glowing skin?

*Would you love to have vibrant energy that lights up any room?

*Do you find yourself reaching for SUGAR during the day for quick "energy"?

*Do your friends call you "moody"?

*Do you crave SUGAR at night?

*Want to discover how diet sodas and artificial sweeteners make you fat, tired,
and haggard?

In this fun interactive workshop you'll learn: The good, the bad and the ugly
... everything you wanted to know about sugar but were afraid to ask.

Sugar is the biggest contributor to inflammation... inflammation leads to ALL
diseases of age. If you want to live a long, vibrant healthy life you MUST sort
out your relationship with sugar!

Register Now!

Testimonials about this workshop and working with Donna:

I haven't drank red bull since!! And let me tell you- that wasn't easy!
-Roslyn Renda

Donna's workshop opened my eyes to the fact that sugar is an EXTREME substance, and needs to be treated with purpose and respect (including perhaps abstaining from it) like any other DRUG! By recognizing this I am able to 'reset' my palate, and be satisfied with the natural sweetness of whole foods, and not miss sugar at all.
-Karen Kohlhaas

Donna, Thank you so much for giving that amazing talk. It was both frightening, angering, inspiring and informative.
-Michaela Cullen

I am SO looking forward to seeing you at my signature SUGAR WORKSHOP!


Donna Sonkin
Get Thin for the Camera



You are sooooo cute on this!! I am going and telling all my friends to go! Boo hiss sugar! Hurray Donna Sonkin! xo

Donna said...

I love me some notsalmon!!!