Friday, December 5, 2008

Hello healthy people!

Well… the holidays are in full swing, that’s for sure. I recently went to two parties and have already seen many people overindulging with food and drink, myself included! It can be easy to get sucked into all the excess. But do you really want to undo all of your hard work?

Think to yourself – do these temptations offer an opportunity to continue all the good you’ve been doing? I say YES!!

What if this holiday were different? What if you made the decision to dive into your relationships with people instead of diving into the cheese plate?

It CAN be done, really. Here is my ten step plan to getting through this season with grace, joy and your hot bod intact.

1. Take a look at what you have done:
Take a good look at what you have been striving for all year- sit down with a good friend (a cheerleader type if available) and ask her to help you make a list of your achievements this year.. It could be that you ended a toxic relationship or that you finally took a step to ensure financial success in your work or found an exercise routine that you enjoy on a consistent basis. Reviewing your accomplishments is a great place to begin because you will focus on your positive efforts and achievements, thereby creating positivity – quite simply , when you look at all you have done you it is easy to see that YOU ROCK!!

2. Figure out where you want to be this time next year:
Do some visioning and ask yourself this question- what do I want to DO, HAVE, or BE this time next year? The answer may be that you want to start your own business. Perhaps you want to manifest a romantic relationship. Or, you may want to fit into a pair of skinny jeans – whatever it is, figure it out. Setting a goal is an essential tool -- only by doing so can you actually reach it. . For example- if you want to manifest a meaningful relationship, then getting soused at a party and hooking up with the bartender may not be the way to go. Know where you want to be next year -- this will literally stop you from doing something stupid because you don’t want to delay the immense gratification that will come from reaching your goal.

3. It’s just a cannoli. It’s not the last one on earth. There will be lots of chances to eat one.
If you’re at a holiday dinner or party, you will probably want to eat something that will not jive with your goal of fitting into your skinny jeans. It it calling your name, screaming to be eaten. Do you answer the call? Well, maybe… Here is what you need to ask yourself:

· Am I hungry?
This is the most important question to ask yourself. If you’re not hungry, why would you take it? Would you fill up your gas tank if it was full – heck no! Gas would spill out and cause a fire- likewise, filling up your stomach when it’s full can lead to disaster – you feel physically sick, bloated and lethargic, and emotionally beat yourself up for overeating.

· What do I LOVE?
Do some detective work beforehand. Ask the hostess – what’s for dessert?. If it’s their famous tartuffo, then it is a no brainer. Pass on the mediocre baked brie so that you can have room for your favorite dessert.

· Just one bite …
Often times I find that I will give myself permission to take a bite of something and see how it feels in my mouth before I nix the idea entirely – like last night for example – there was a big plate of chocolate covered pretzels I had a bite of one and came to the conclusion that I wasn’t ‘feeling it’ at all. I put it down and went for the roasted Brussels sprouts.

· How sweet have I been lately?
When did you last eat sweets? Do you eat the treats at your office every day? Did you have dessert on your dinner dates this week? If so, enough is enough! Sugar is a treat, not a punctuation to every meal; not a comfort after an draining phone call with your ex-boyfriend. It is a TREAT!!! Cut the shit and love yourself. Like you would with your own child, set up boundaries for treats. Don’t eliminate them. Just be wise. I encourage you to embrace the treats – they are NOT bad! Just eat them in moderation. Here’s the plan: make a dessert date with a pal, at your favorite sexy place and sip champagne while you savor your delicious chocolate cake. I promise you it is far better than your office’s crappy chocolate candy!

4. Shop till you drop and cook up a storm!
Set some time aside and hit the health food store or green market.
Buy all of the foods that support your idea of health and well-being. Don’t be shy – by as much as you can carry. Now for the cooking part…When you have fantastic food in the fridge, you are sure to have a successful holiday season. Why? It’s really quite simple; eating real whole foods literally squashes the cravings for the unhealthy stuff and makes you stay healthy thin. Set aside a few hours on the weekend and get your cooking done for the week. If you don’t know how to cook, ask me. I give private and group cooking classes and my website is packed with fun easy recipes. ( or go to Top Chef Andrea Beaman’s site for some and buy her cook book ( or learn some awesome tips at

5. Move your ASS!!!
Exercising during holiday time will really help you stay on track and keep you healthy thin. If you need support, find a good trainer. It’s worth the dough, believe me. I highly recommend my trainer, Adam Shuty , as he has all sorts of amazing specials going on right now. You can also go for a long walk, take the stairs at home and work, make love with someone who you really dig, take a fun dance class with friends or join a drumming circle.
( It doesn’t matter what you do – just move your ASS!!

6. Say yes when it is good for you and when you do… come prepared!

Did someone invite you to a party? Great, but don’t go there hungry and start grabbing for the usual party food. Just before I go to the party I will make sure that I have eaten a little something – preferably something that is rich in healthy fat and protein, like some scrambled naturally raised eggs. I bring something healthy to the party. Even if it is just a bag of baby carrots – I am covered. Or, if you know that it’s a party you have been to before and it was not fun, why go at all? You ended up at home, eating your pint of ice-cream or cookies last year. Why go through that again? Have the wherewithal to just say no. Better to go to a movie with your friends. Don’t put yourself in situations which are not fun or happy or productive.

7. Laugh and Learn
Laughter is a panacea for one’s problems. . So go out with friends to a comedy club, rent a movie that makes you laugh so hard that your sides ache. Hang around with uplifting and positive people, challenge yourself with a new class, attend a seminar on personal growth, read a great book or attend counseling. If you do find yourself getting depressed, my advice is to find a licensed therapist.

8. Clean up your act.
Keep your living space tidy. My apartment is my new oasis. Professional organizer/ designer/ Feng Shui expert Shirley Martin has helped me change my life! ( she is thorough and so kind!

9. Be gentle with yourself and connect the dots.
If you find that you do over do it holiday time, be gentle with yourself and remember that tomorrow is another day. Take a moment to analyze your behavior think “why did I do that and what can I do differently next time”

10. Get some support.
Do you need some help this holiday season? Check out these testimonials of people who navigated through the holidays without gaining any weight!

SUCCESS stories!

Love and healthy hugs,

-Donna Sonkin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic advice!

~Kelly Ann